Depression Test


1. Please attempt all statements
2. Read each statement and select one option which indicates how the statement applied to over the past week.
  There are no right or wrong answers.       
  Your test is totally confidential.

Q1. Sadness
Q2. Pessimism
Q3. Past Failure
Q4. Loss of Pleasure
Q5. Guilty Feelings
Q6. Punishment Feelings
Q7. Self-Dislike
Q8. Self-Criticalness
Q9. Suicidal Thoughts or Wishes
Q10. Crying
Q11. Agitation
Q12. Loss of Interest
Q13. Indecisiveness
Q14. Worthlessness
Q15. Loss of Energy
Q16. Changes in Sleeping Pattern
Q17. Irritability
Q18. Changes in Appetite
Q19. Concentration Difficulty
Q20. Tiredness or Fatigue
Q21. Loss of Interest in physical intimacy